Virtual school is the best option for students because of the pandemic

Calla Reynolds, Copy Editor

The virus that causes coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is fostered by the virus SARS-CoV-2. Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, and it spread around the world, which started a pandemic. Due to the pandemic, a fair amount of students – including myself – believe that virtual school is the best option for Freedom. 

Coronavirus still lingers around the United States to this day. Approximately 700 cases have been reported in Pennsylvania on Sept. 20. Because of new cases commonly being publicized, is it the safest decision for the students to be attending school in person at this time?

 “Virtual is the best option right now because there are still cases and some restrictions are still in place.” comments Lainey Tuszynski, an eighth grader.

Tuszynski mentioned how there are restrictions for coronavirus. The restrictions include; masks in all public places, indoor assemblages of people must have under 25 guests, outdoor assemblages must have under 250 people, and more. If these restrictions are still in place, in school learning will be difficult to manage. 

Other students, such as Elizabeth Smith, think otherwise. 

“I get to see my friends and I have a teacher in front of me teaching when we are in school.” states Smith. 

Smith states that she wants to be inside the school building because she prefers seeing her friends in person and having a teacher in front of her, which is a recurrent argument from the majority of the students. I disagree with this explanation because of how risky it will be for us to be attending school at this time.