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63° Freedom, PA
The Student News Site of Freedom Area Middle School

Bulldog Barker

The Student News Site of Freedom Area Middle School

Bulldog Barker

The Student News Site of Freedom Area Middle School

Bulldog Barker

Tayler Dalesandro

Tayler Dalesandro, Writer

Hello, my name is Tayler Dalesandro and I am in eighth grade, and this is my fourth year of writing the newspaper. I am a writer for the school newspaper, and help do the school yearbook. I enjoy spreading the news about current events happening around the school by writing. Some clubs that I am in are Pep Club, golf, student government and more. This year will also be my second year playing volleyball. In the future, I want to go to Penn State for college and become an Electrical Engineer. One thing that is interesting about me is I was a competitive swimmer for two years.

All content by Tayler Dalesandro