Got any Grapes… The Duck!

This is Grapes swimming in the bathtub in his home.

Grapes the duck is a duck who loves visiting everyone!  He loves making everybody smile.

He lives in a house with his family and has lots of fun. He even has his own Instagram page!

You can follow him to see his pictures and funny videos. His instagram name is @Grapes_the_duck .

He can not wait for COVID to be over. Ever since it hit he has been lonely. He can not wait to see some smiling faces when this pandemic is over!  Grapes hatched in a duck pen early in the morning on June 27, 2018, and Jessica Mason was the first person he saw. He  imprinted on her which means he thinks she is his mom. Our ducks laid eggs and Grapes had seven brothers and sisters.  We got his parents at Tractor Supply. One was a Crested Pekin duck. His mother was a Black Swedish duck.  When Grapes hatched  he was the perfect mix of his parents. He is black because of his mom and has a crest on the top of his head  that we call a “floof” because of his dad. My personal opinion about Grapes is that he is cute. 

“What I love about Grapes is how excited he gets to see us.We take him places because he makes people smile. They don’t expect to see a duck as a pet. When we take him places he is always excited.” Jessica Mason, Grapes’ owner, said.
Peter Mason, her son, was visited by Grapes last year in school on his sixth birthday with donuts and he was surprised! Grapes the duck is sure to make anyone smile when they are having a bad day. He will even give you a hug if you bend down and he will put his head over your shoulder. 🙂

When it is nice and warm outside they put him in a pen and he plays around. He can not wait for coronavirus  to be over! He loves visiting people everywhere.