This year, 2024, is a Leap Year, which means it has 366 days instead of 365 days. Do you ever wonder about Leap Year? Well, this article is all about Leap Year. According to the website EarthSky, Leap Day ensures Earth’s orbit remains in sync with the four seasons. According to the website Smithsonian Institute, the seasons would begin to drift if we didn’t have a Leap Day.
According to the website National Geographic Kids, Roman emperor Julius Caesar invented the Leap Year in 45 B.C. Caesar started to add an extra day every four years with the creation of the Julian calendar.
According to the website PopSugar, about 5,000,000 people worldwide are born on Leap Day. According to the website ThoughtCo, people born on Leap Day are called Leaplings. According to the website Florida Today, a Leapling celebrates their birthday on Feb. 28 or March 1 on years that are not Leap Years. According to the website AuPairCare, there is a one in 1,461 chance of being born on Leap Day.
According to the website of Royal Museums Greenwich, for a year to be a Leap Year, the year number must be divisible by 4, except for end-of-century years, which must be divisible by 400.
I interviewed a Leapling who goes to Freedom Middle School, who is 6th grader Sophia Hildman. Sophia celebrates her birthday on the 28th of February. She will be 3 this year. Being born on Leap Day is a 0.1% chance because it is so rare and happens every 4 years.