Chromebooks help the teachers and students learn online

Chloe Lundy

More stories from Chloe Lundy

Principal Problems
April 28, 2023

Chloe Lundy

5th grade Chromebook being use for online schooling

Chromebooks were issued to all fifth grade students at the beginning of the year. They were given to the fifth graders to complete school work online. The Chromebooks allow students to go online for schoolwork and to take different tests. The Chromebooks give fifth grade students a  chance to explore the virtual world. This gives them more opportunities for learning. 

The fifth grade students were able to take home the Chromebooks on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Students had to pay $50 if they wanted to take them home. If they didn’t take them home,  they would leave them at school overnight. 

Many things are now online, from shopping to ordering food. This means exploring the virtual world and seeing what is possible sparks a lot of great ideas. Right now the Chromebooks are especially being used for online classes and schooling due to the COVID-19 outbreak. 

 Fifth graders have been using their Chromebooks since the beginning of the year. They already know how to log onto their classes and do their work. 

“They are far far ahead of most of their peers even in grades 6, 7 and 8,” said Mr. Ryan Smith principal of Freedom Area Middle School.  While this worldwide sickness goes on they can still do school and continue to learn.  This can help even more than using them sometimes. Now we have to use them daily and this can really help with kids who are not as good with technology, have fun and discover new worlds. 

 While the Chromebooks are very helpful during this current situation there are also a lot of issues that come with them. 

“I like regular school better. I like writing on paper and there are so many technical difficulties on the computer”,  said Lexie McGhee, a fifth grader. “It’s hard to get stuff turned in and logging into Pearson Realize. It goes down and then comes back up. I think kids understand their work better whenever teachers are talking directly to them in the classroom.” 

Students, teachers, and staff members have been working hard to overcome these issues. They are doing everything they can virtually to make this a smooth process. 

Although the Chromebooks were issued to all fifth graders, not all are using them. The students who did not take their Chromebooks home have the opportunity to pick them up. 

“The school has made times that kids can come and pick up their Chromebooks. We have all of their Chromebooks on a table in the lobby during food distribution from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday,” said Smith. The school has also set up hot spots in the main parking lot for high school middle and elementary. 

“The district purchased three external wifi points, so for any family that needs to come to the elementary, middle, or high school they can sit out in the parking lot, pull any information off of it or upload any information then go home and do their work,” said  Smith. Kids who do not have a computer or device at home were given a Chromebook from school. “We did a quick survey to all the students to determine who had a device at home who had internet at home for those that didn’t have a device at home. We took those names down and made phone calls and we were able to provide one to anyone who reached out to us.” 

If we take all of the information we do get an idea that the Chromebooks are very helpful and can be very essential during this dark period of time. Although there may be some issues the Chromebooks are working. Kids are getting work done and they can still meet with everyone if they have questions. There are different pros and cons but everyone is trying their best during the pandemic.