Jamblocks make an appearance in the middle school
A Jamblock is placed on a door to prevent intruders from entering the room, as shown above.
December 21, 2018
The Freedom Area Middle School and High School participated in an active intruder drill on Nov. 28. There were numerous components to the drill. Teachers were told to use the run, fight, hide methods based on the announcements and the sound in the hallways. But one item stood out- the bright yellow Jamblocks. The Jamblocks were to be used if the teacher decided to hide in their classrooms.
There’s a simple concept behind Jamblocks. A staff member slides the Jamblock under the door and turns it on its side to lock the door, preventing the door from opening from the outside. The design was made by a former teacher who understood all the possibilities of an active intruder. Jamblocks are being used all over the United States in hospitals, colleges, businesses, and government buildings. There is a very slim chance of the Jamblocks not working. They essentially prevent the ability to break through the door.