Fifth grade celebrates Halloween with fun fest

 On Oct. 31, as a celebration for the fifth graders who turned in all of their work, the kids were allowed to participate in a number of fun activities throughout the day. The activities included the all core subjects.

Some of the activities tried to incorporate a lesson with the games, like in Mrs. Perry’s class, where the students were trying to make the best spinning machines with paper cutouts of ghosts, and in Mrs. Buzza’s class, where the kids made bridges with pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks. Both activities  involved STEM and the scientific method. With Mrs. Boyd the students made Frankenstein and Dracula Halloween cards with their handprints and paint. Boyd said, “I’ve never seen so many paint smears.” In Mrs. Nicely’s class the students made slime with Elmer’s Glue, Borax, and food coloring. With Mrs. Glover the kids had to measure their ingredients  and make their own pumpkin pancakes, a personal favorite of the students. In math class, the students made positive and negative pumpkin posters with Mr. Miller.

The student’s favorite activities were the pumpkin pancakes, the bridge building, and the spinning machines.  The teachers put a lot of work in for the fifth graders’ first annual Halloween Fest, making it a day of both fun and learning.