We had an assembly celebrating everyone’s accomplishments in the previous nine weeks. It celebrates things like honor rolls and cool achievements.
“It [The Celebration of Accomplishments] came out in discussion in our paws team meeting last school year but over the summer we really thought about it and put it on the calendar to happen three times throughout the year, this school year. I will give credit to Mr Brandt. He wanted a way to acknowledge all the awesome things that the kids are doing around the school; different sports, academics, and he wanted to highlight all the ways that students are earning house points,” Ms. Sara Heiman, PAWS coach, said.
We wanted to do just that. We wanted to acknowledge students and all the awesome things they were doing whether it be participating in school sports, being in a club, getting good grades, or not having any discipline referrals so that’s what we came up with, to gather everybody together, bring people up on stage and applaud for them and celebrate their awesomeness.
“So we kind of gave that responsibility [announcing the celebration] to our paws ambassadors this year. Since that is a new program, we wanted to give them a little bit of responsibility and have them be the role models. “The first Celebration of accomplishments, we ran out of time. It took a little while to get everybody into the auditorium; to get things going. So the second one we had more time we brought it from 40 minutes to an hour and we planned to only bring up the honor roll students.
I think our time management was a lot better. We were able to get everything done without rushing, and I think the audience and the students were a lot better at clapping and quieting back down. “ Ms. Sara Heiman PAWS coach said.
I don’t know about that yet we haven’t circled back to it yet but we will talk about it in the next PAWS meeting and Youth Paws meeting. I think it’s the day before Easter break… It is April 15th, that is when the next celebration is.” Ms. Heiman Paws coach said. So basically there is one left on April 15th which will be similar to all the others.