Here at Freedom Area School District, we have an issue when it comes to substitute teachers. We have very few of them and it has affected our students and administrators. Students have gone without a permanent teacher for a couple of months at some point this school year, which affects their grades and learning abilities. Students and teachers have been extremely patient during this process. We have systems set up to get more subs, but it always ends up being the same people subbing. Students and teachers had a lot to say about this topic.
“Limited subs haven’t made a huge impact on me. I honestly don’t mind having subs and prefer them sometimes. Mr. Mohrbacher is one of my favorite subs, but it could be beneficial to us to have more subs,” Sophia Hildman, seventh-grade student, said.
“This has affected me by students getting distracted when there isn’t a teacher and just a sub. Although I appreciate the subs sometimes I don’t always get the help I need from them. We have a good amount of subs but having more could be extremely beneficial and crucial to our school,” Sophia Kusma, seventh-grade student stated
“I love the challenge of subbing. I personally feel like a teacher and not just a sub. I like to be able to hang out with the kids. I have subbed for twenty-plus years,” Mr. Mohrbacher, substitute teacher, said. “Subbing has an impact on me because I can develop a connection with the students at school, and it gives me a way to get to do after-school activities and already have connections.”
Every morning Mrs. Baker figures out who is substituting for the middle school.
“When picking a sub we have two main subs in the school every day, if they are unable we have two more backup subs we usually pick from. If they are unable I then send out an email to my staff asking them to cover. If it came to a point where everyone is unable [to cover] we would combine classes,” Mrs. Baker, Administrative Assistant, said.
As you can see from these opinions the topic has been extremely debated, but still is considered an issue here at our school.