This past month January, we had a few winter weather days that affected our school days; we had a snow day Monday, January 6, due to all the overnight snow, then we had two FID days (Flexible Instruction Day) due to negative temperatures on Jan. 21 and 22.
“I start getting phone calls between 4-5 am, we have a group text with the superintendents around Beaver County, the bus contractors, ABC Transit and FRYE Transit. I of course watch weather reports. My last point of contact would be Officer Jones and Officer Pullen to check with the night shift police. The other contact would be Mr. Mortimer.” Ms. Diane Workman, superintendent of Freedom Area School District explained.
“We probably could have come to school. I was worried about the students’ safety, but we could have had a two hour delay. It was a day after winter break, I was not sure if the students would have their Chromebooks, and I didn’t want to pressure them or the teachers. I really made the decision,” Ms. Workman said. Students will not have to make up the day but teachers will.
“We usually do a FID day, but we had a snow day and It was actually amazing. I hung out with my mom and my dog Remi. I also talked to my cousin and I made some bracelets. I also worked on some of the word searches that I had gotten for Christmas.” Fullen also explains “ If we had gotten a two hour delay, I could have seen my friends.” Lola Fullen, seventh grade student, said.
“It was pretty nice, I was on the phone with my friends, and I would have been happier for a two hour delay because I haven’t seen my friends in a while.” Juliet Pivik, seventh grade student, explains. “It was nice but too many can take away from spring break.”
“I went outside to play on the snow and did some sledding,” Leena Ruckert, seventh grade student also said. “ I liked the snow day, it was pretty nice.”