Most people make resolutions at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve but how long do people keep them? By the second Monday of January, people usually quit their New Year’s resolution. Babylonians were the first group of people to make a resolution over four thousand years ago. “Their New Year celebration was a 12-day festival called Akitu, which began at the start of the spring planting season in March”, according to Insight Vacations.
“My resolution was to keep my room clean and get my grades up a little bit,” Elana Lehocky said. I also asked her how long her resolution would last if she quit it “I would usually keep my resolution until the holidays or my birthday because I get a lot of presents and it is hard to keep my room clean,” Elana Lehocky said.
Most people set a goal for the year instead of a New Year’s resolution because it feels more realistic. The most common resolutions are to save money, eat healthier, and exercise more.
Most people feel that everybody has to make a resolution, but Mrs. Tina Strati does not. “I don’t think that everyone has to make one, but it’s good for people to strive,” Mrs. Strati said. So, to wrap it up, do you have a New Year’s Resolution and how long do you keep it?