Do you have any classes that suffer from the heating in the school? Many teachers’ rooms have had terrible AC at the beginning of the school year, with some days being cold, and others being extremely hot. Some rooms have been extra unlucky with the temperatures. These classrooms include Mrs. Strati’s room, Mrs. Egley’s room, and the seventh and eighth grade ELA room. Mrs. Egley’s room, which is the room near the library, has been very hot all school year. In fact, her room is still hot as of right now. However, nearly all classes are dealing/have been dealing with this issue.
“My room was unbearable at the beginning of the school year,” said Tina Strati, sixth grade ELA teacher, “It probably lasted until about mid-September. It isn’t occurring as much, but still it varies. When I come in the morning it’s pretty good, but recently it has gotten very cold after lunch,” Mrs. Strati stated. Her room was very unpredictable with the heat, and she didn’t know what to expect every day.
“I always have to bring a jacket just in case, because I never know what [the temperatures] will be like.” Mrs. Strati said that students would often complain about how hot it was in her room.
This has been an issue for a long time. Last year, the Freedom Area School District had a late start to the year due to the air needing to be fixed, but yet nothing has been able to be permanently fixed. Also, this year, we had a two-hour early dismissal and a rescheduled PAWS assembly due to the heat in our school during the first week of school.
“From what I understand, there is a circuit board in the unit and something malfunctioned with that,” Mr. Jeffery Griffifth, middle school principal, said. “Originally, they fixed the circuit and for the first few weeks we had air, but I think there are other issues going on that I’m not sure of. I hope this doesn’t continue through the winter, I’m not sure if [the issue with rooms being too cold] is related to the heat issue or not.” Griffith said. “We own a chiller, so it’s a different system in the elementary than what we have. The maintenance team is currently working on it.”