Middle School says goodbye to Mrs. Kara Trettel

Abigail Tedesco

Mrs. Trettel’s class poses around Mrs. Trettel on Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022 during 9th period.

Abigail Tedesco, Copy Editor

Recently Mrs. Kara Trettel, middle school computer apps teacher, has decided to resign from her job here at Freedom. This is very emotional to some kids as well.

First of all, you might be wondering, where is she going? She is now shifting from Freedom Area Middle School to Slippery Rock High School, and she will be a BCI teacher (Business Computer Informational Tech). The reason she will be leaving is because she thought it would be an advancement in her teaching career. 

To Mrs. Trettel, she is both happy and sad at the same time to be leaving. She is happy to be leaving because she will be closer to her family, and she is sad because of all of her great memories here at Freedom. You also might be wondering, who will be the next “Mrs. Trettel?” The school hasn’t hired a new teacher yet, so Mrs. Trettel will be here for a little while longer. 

She stated that some of her favorite memories here are working with the students and Mrs. Newman. And the best part is that she has been teaching 17 years in total.

“I think it’s just depressing that she is leaving, because she was the best second-period teacher ever,” Piper Fichter, sixth-grade student, stated.

“It is very unsettling and overwhelming, because she was the best teacher. I’m really going to miss her too,” Madison Dalesandro, sixth-grade student, explained.

“It really sucks that she is leaving, because she is so nice to all of us,” Layla Boyd, fifth-grade student, said.