Game on!
Pizza boxes contain more than dinner
Sixth grade honors math student Jordyn Moehrle works on her pizza box project in math class.
October 28, 2022
This year the sixth grade students are doing a pizza box project during their math class. It is a really cool project to do because you can be super creative. The pizza box project is a project for only the honors math class. The pizza box project is where you make your own board game and rules inside of a pizza box.
The pizza box projects are a long and time consuming project to do. They are really big projects that aren’t going to be done till around November. The sixth graders will use their extra time in class to work on them. They will also show and play them with other grades in the school. The sixth graders will also get to take it home and play with their family. This allows the students to see if the game works when you play it.
“I have been doing this project for 6 years now. This project is only for my sixth grade honors math. This project will take about 1 month to complete, because of the process of checking and fixing students’ rules and math problems that they will make,” Ms. Ging, sixth grade math and science teacher, said.
“I am really excited to finish the pizza box project. One of the best parts about the project is that I get to decorate and design my own games. It will be fun to play the game when it is finished and be able to play with others,” Madison Capehart, sixth grader, says.
“I am really excited this year to do the pizza box project because I am really creative and super artistic. This project is really fun because I get to design my own game,” Maleea Wilson, sixth grader, says.
That is what the sixth grade honors math class is doing this year which is super fun and creative to do.