Spirit week leads up to Homecoming Night
Mrs. Miller
Seventh grade students, Caroline Bender, Gracy Stewart, Cameron Stumpf, Hannah Houy, and Annabella Daniele, pose for picture while wearing matching soda shirts, for group day.
October 28, 2022
During the week of the high school’s homecoming, the middle school had a very successful spirit week. The week went from Monday, Oct. 3 to Friday, Oct. 7.
The Spirit Days were chosen and made up by the Pep Club, run by Ms. Sara Heiman. The club decided to do a Spirit Week to support the high school during their homecoming week. The middle school was able to participate in an entire week full of spirit!
On Monday, students were told to wear a hat to support the spirit week. On Tuesday, it was Pittsburgh sports day! Kids were asked to wear a jersey, or some type of clothing to support their favorite team from Pittsburgh. Wednesday was pink out and many kids participated on that day, wearing pink on their faces and fully pink outfits. The Pep Club did this theme to support the cause of Breast Cancer Awareness month, which is the month of October. Thursday was group day. Groups of friends dressed up together and posed for pictures during the day. The last theme was red and white day on homecoming game night.
“All of Pep Club worked together,” Chelsea Parks, Pep Club member, said. The Pep Club works on ideas and fundraisers for our school such as the color run and they also do most of the spirit week ideas. They take recommendations from students, members from the Pep Club and from the five through eight classes.
“I would like to see Adam Sandler day, white lie day, soccer moms vs. barbeque dads, and anything but a backpack day,” Julianne Hein, eighth grade student, stated. Lots of students like the themes, but they want to see new and more modern themes done for the spirit weeks in the future.