Freedom hires, promotes teachers across the district
Caption: Mrs. Stewart’s room is beside Mr. Gregg’s art room.
March 8, 2022
Mrs. Stewart – Prevention Specialist
Mrs. Stephanie Stewart, former Freedom Area Elementary School (FAES) Prevention Specialist, is now the FAMS Prevention Specialist. She had stopped working at the Prevention Network because she wanted to spend more time with her family, then she was a substitute around the district, and now she works at FAMS. She will work with Mrs. Suleski, FAMS Guidance Counselor. Her office is now beside Mr. Gregg’s art room. She was the Prevention Specialist for FAES for 11 years.
“I think that basically I want to be a support and a positive influence on as many students as I can,” stated Stewart. She hopes that she can make a difference in a lot of kids’ lives.
Ms. Hryckowian – Reading Intervention Specialist
Ms. Amanda Hryckowian, former district long-term substitute, is now going to be a reading intervention specialist for FAMS. She will be pulling kids out of class to help them if they are struggling with their reading.
“I didn’t really think that [becoming a reading intervention specialist] was a possibility open to me, and it was never something I really thought about until Dr. Smith approached me to discuss the position, and the more I researched it, I realized it was right for me,” stated Hryckowian. She thinks she will love her new position and is looking forward to the rest of the year.
Mr. Deal – Director of Teaching and Learning
Mr. William Deal, former FAHS Principal, is now the Director of Teaching and Learning. His office is located in the Middle School. Mr. Steven Mott, former Assistant FAHS Principal, is now the Interim Principal for FAHS. The new Interim Assistant Principal at FAHS is Mr. Jeffrey Griffith, former K-8 Intervention Specialist/Dean of Students.
“Kind of what I am looking forward to most is just the opportunity to work with everyone throughout the district, all of my experience here so far has been primarily working at the high school,” said Deal. He thinks that a lot of people around the district already know who he is, but he hasn’t worked directly with people in the other buildings. He has done something with curriculum before, but never anything quite like his new position. He said that it was a big change going from FAHS principal to Director of Teaching and Learning. He hopes that he will like his new position as much as his last.
Mrs. Miller – Dean of Students
Mrs. Sara Miller, former Gifted Education Coordinator and Journalism Adviser, is now going to be taking over Mr. Griffith’s position as Interim K-8 Intervention Specialist/Dean of Students. She will still be teaching Journalism, but she will not be the Gifted Education Coordinator. The long-term substitute teacher for Gifted Education will be Mr. John Siget, who used to be the long-term substitute for Mrs. Timko, eighth grade learning support teacher.
“I think that gifted education is my passion, and that will always have my heart, and it will always have a special place for me,” stated Miller. She is looking forward to her new position so she can make a difference in all of the students’ lives. She didn’t think it was a big change because she already knew most of the K-8 staff.
The school has changed many positions and hopefully the teachers will like their new jobs.