What kids did over Spring Break
Flowers from the new garden off the Library
April 28, 2021
This year’s spring break has been extensive, one of the longest for awhile. Our spring break was ten days long,because there were no snow days this year since we were online most of the time. So what did people do over this spring break?
“I went to a small Easter party, slept in, started reading a book called “All Your Twisted Secrets”, and took my sister to test for her permit,”said Calla Reynolds, seventh grader. 21.4% of people read during spring break.
54.5% of people said that they hung out with friends over spring break, and 78.2% spent time with their family. 60.7% of people watched TV. Some of the shows that people watched over spring break were The Office, The Twilight Zone, Modern Family, and Riverdale. 55.4 percent of people played video games over spring break. People also played video games. Call of Duty, Rocket League, Minecraft, TitanFall two, Shelter two, and War Zone were some of the most popular.
People played sports over spring break too. “I played soccer, football, and basketball,” said Christopher Denkovich, an eighth grader. Anthony Rychorcewicz said he played soccer over spring break. Bryson Deal played basketball in his backyard.
76.8% people played outside during spring break. Some people did things outside like hiking, playing on trampolines, and talking walks. 7.1% of people went camping, people went to their camps and some people went to places like Elk County and Pigeon Forge in Tennessee.
“I went to my sister’s house, hung out with family, I also slept and I also Facetimed my friends,” said Brooklynn Porto, seventh grader. Hailey Stinar went to North Carolina to see her family, a few other families went to North Carolina also during spring break. Cooper Brien went to North Carolina also to visit his aunt and uncle, and while he was down there he also went to the Outer Banks.