Freedom participates in honors band for the 22nd year since James arrived
Seven middle school students will represent Freedom Middle School at the Beaver County Honors Band on Nov. 20-21.
This year the Freedom Middle School and High School are participating in the Beaver County Honors Band. Freedom has been participating in this band for over 40 years and we have hosted it for three. Each year a different school hosts the concert and has a new guest director. This year Beaver Area High School is hosting the concert and the guest director is J.P. Scanga. About 100 students from different Beaver County schools perform in the concert every year.
“It is lots of fun and is a great learning experience,” says Josie Brenckle, who is participating in honors band for the fourth year.
This year, seven middle school students and seven high school students from Freedom are going to perform in the honors band. From the middle school, Josie Brenckle, Dakota Gingerella, Jimmy Barto, Jesse Reinhardt, Alexa Hudak, Ricky Wasko, and Hailey Stinar are performing. From the high school, Phillip Choflet, Cole Skuse, Marissa Lammie, Ashley Imhoff, Ella Walden, Faith Tooch, and Alex Bearer are performing.