Freedom Middle School adds a ninth period schedule

This year, a ninth period has been added to the middle school schedule. For the students, this means that seventh and eighth graders in regular math have a block period, but students in honors math have an enrichment period where they can work on schoolwork or take a journalism class. Fifth and sixth graders have either recess time or elective opportunities added to their schedules. 

Even though this schedule affects the students, an additional benefit of adding the extra period is that the teachers could have a period to discuss their students, curriculum, and data. More specifically, this period was for teachers to discuss things like school grants and the Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) Plan requirements like an increasing of parent and student communication. It was also for data analysis and curriculum development. 

Most students like the change. “I like that the classes are now shorter,” said Haydan Baucan, seventh grader. Daisy Lewis, in eighth grade, said the same thing. 

“I like it a lot because we have more time to get our homework done.” said Simone Sharpless, sixth grader. So, overall, the nine-period schedule is an excellent change.