Principal 100 students celebrate with party
May 29, 2019
On Wednesday, May 8, the 100 students who earned Principal 100 cards celebrated their actions by having a party in the auditorium. Students, when first arriving, voted on the movie to watch. The choices were “Goosebumps 2” or “The Incredibles 2” and the winner was “The Incredibles 2.” After the vote the students were served Fox’s Pizza and then the movie began.
While students were watching, they were accommodated by the staff at the party and Ms. Heiman, school librarian, served the students ice cream. When the movie was over, all the students got together and took a group photo and then were dismissed. Overall students enjoyed the party but some thought improvement would be beneficial.
“Higher quality prizes would be a great addition,” says Jeramiah Byrd, seventh grader.
“The Principal 100 should have an alternative of board games instead of just a movie,” says Hayden Bender, seventh grader.
Although the Principal 100 party is over, those who received a Principal 100 card can still win prizes such as a television, headphones, and a waterproof camera during Olympic Day on Monday June 3.tudent