Father’s message to students: Beware of the effects of drug abuse
Mr. Rich LeVitt talks to the FMS students about the effects that doing drugs can have on a person’s family.
April 26, 2019
Opioids, or narcotics, come from the Greek word “stupor,” which referred to a variety of substances that dulled the senses and relieved pain. We have learned about this drug throughout our middle school years, but do we truly know the effects? Opioids may stop pain for a limited time, or give a temporary high, but users forget that their effects will last a lifetime. Opioid use will not only have a negative effect on the person using them, it will also destroy their family and those they love the most.
At a recent FMS assembly on Tuesday, April 2, Mr. Rich Levitt told us how his life has been majorly affected by the death of his son, Johnathan, at the hands of opioids. His story is a heartbreaking example of why experimenting with drugs is not a good idea and why it will only cause major grief and pain to your life and others.
Opioids are drugs that are used to null pain in the nerves, mostly used by doctors to help patients in serious pain. Johnathan overdosed on opioids on his basement couch late at night. Mr. Levitt later went downstairs to look for his son after he had noticed that Johnathan had been gone for awhile. There, he found Johnathan unconscious on the couch. He quickly put Johnathan onto the floor and attempted CPR, but he knew it was too late. Johnathan was taken to the hospital, where he passed on.
Drugs get into the hands of everyday people, who use them for a temporary high or even to stop pain as prescribed by their doctor. During the assembly, Mr. Levitt talked about opioids and their effects on the user and their loved ones. He has been traumatized by his son´s death. He passes through his basement everyday, and he is only reminded of the moment he found his son, lying overdosed on the couch. Mr. Levitt encourages everyone to stay away from opioids and drugs as a whole, so that others do not end up like his son.
Although it may seem like drugs are easy to find if you really want to, avoiding encounters with drugs is pretty simple. As Mr. Levitt told the middle school audience, one way to stay away from drugs is to talk to your parents or guardians if they have an encounter with drugs, or have a bad feeling about something drug related. Another simple way to avoid drugs is to make a choice for yourself to not interact with people who are choosing poor behaviors and to stand strong in who you are. Finally, be aware that those with drug addictions are people too and they often need to be supported, not supported in taking drugs, but supported in their fight to break the addiction.
Many of us will find ourselves at a point of opportunity to take drugs in some form. When that moment comes and that thought of a quick high or of temporary pain relief comes, remember that drug usage and addiction is about so much more than just that one moment in time. The choice that you make in that moment will not only affect your future, it will affect the lives of everyone around you. Nobody wants their poor choices to affect the lives of their innocent loved ones. Once the drugs have a hold of you, there is no letting go and you just might find yourself in the fight for your life. Love yourself, love your family… choose a drug free life.